folder Volcanology


pdf Almeida etal

New constraints on the geological and chronological evolution of the Cotacachi-Cuicocha Volcanic Complex (Ecuador)

pdf Arapa etal

Assessing physical vulnerability and modeling flash floods and debris flows in the City of Arequipa, Perú

pdf Battaglia etal

Autopsy of the January 2010 eruptive phase of Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) through coupling of seismo-acoustic and SO2 recordings with ash characteristics

pdf Bernard etal

Large volcanic debris avalanches in Ecuador

pdf Bernard etal

Dispersion of volcanic ash clouds in Ecuador: a 20 years perspective

pdf Ciesielczuk etal

Thermal springs and active fault network of the central Colca River basin, Western Cordillera, Peru

pdf Córdova etal

Determining the volume of Pifo Pumice Layers, a major Plinian fall from Chacana Caldera – Ecuador

pdf Cuno etal

The Sacarosa Tephra-fall Deposit Emplaced by a Plinian Eruption of Misti Volcano, Southern Peru at <=33.7 ka

pdf García etal

Spatiotemporal distribution of distal volcanic-tectonic swarms in the Northern Inter-Andean Valley, Ecuador

pdf Gaunt etal

The July 14th 2013 vulcanian explosion at Tungurahua Volcano: Pre-explosive conduit conditions

pdf Guerrero etal

Assessment of thephra-fall effects and physical vulnerability of roofs in the city of Arequipa, Perú

pdf Le Pennec etal

Identification of a major blast layer resolves debates on the source of avalanche breccias at Imbabura-Cubilche volcanoes, Ecuador

pdf Le Pennec etal

The Incahuasi resurgent caldera (Ayacucho Province, Peru), a site of high-magnitude explosive eruptions in Miocene times

pdf Mariño etal

Succesive desetabilization of a dome complex constructed on an extinct, hydrothermally altered volcano: The Tutupaca Volcano case study (Southern Perú)

pdf Molina etal

Explosive activity of the Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador, inferred from acoustic and seismic waveforms analyses the temporal evolution of the source

pdf Navarrete etal

The Cubilche Volcanic Complex, Imbabura province, Ecuador: a first investigation of its evolution and petrology

pdf Palacios etal

Seismo-acoustics of paroxysmal eruptions of Tungurahua volcano

pdf Parra

Influence of the startup period from initial conditions in modeling the dispersion of volcanic ash in Ecuador

pdf Perea etal

Collecting infrasound data at Reventador volcano to improve hazards monitoring and risk mitigation

pdf Pérez etal

Space-time variation of b value in Cotopaxi Volcano, during 2013 and 2016